Start reducING TD movements with INGREZZA.
INGREZZA is proven to reduce TD, always one capsule, once daily, and #1 prescribed.
Are uncontrollable movements disruptING your day?
If you have persistent, uncontrollable movements and have taken certain mental health medicines, it could be tardive dyskinesia (TD).
Since TD is unlikely to get better on its own, now’s the time to talk to your healthcare provider about this treatable condition.

StartING your journey with the right information and support
Regardless of where you are on your journey, we’re here to help.
Expand the journey milestone below that best describes where you are on your TD journey:
Persistent, uncontrollable body movements could be TD
Don’t ignore persistent, uncontrollable body movements that could be TD

Amy experiences uncontrollable movements
Amy struggled with depression for years and had been on various medications, including antipsychotics. Hear how she first experienced the uncontrollable movements of TD—and how they impacted her and her partner, Kim.
Amy was compensated by Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. to share her story
KnowING your risk for tardive dyskinesia
Some mental health medicines (antipsychotics) can cause abnormal dopamine signaling in the brain, which can lead to uncontrollable body movements.
Learn what meds can cause TDRecognizING symptoms of tardive dyskinesia
TD causes persistent, uncontrollable movements that can occur anywhere on the body. The movements can be rapid and jerky or slow and writhing—and may worsen with stress.
See what TD movements look like

Kim (right), care partner of Amy, and Amy (left), real patient with TD
“When we started our journey with tardive dyskinesia, I noticed her doing different things with her mouth.
At first I didn’t say anything, but after a while I knew it wasn’t my imagination. When I asked her about it, she said, ‘You can see me doing that?’ So basically she knew she was doing it, but she didn’t know anybody else was seeing it.” — Kim, care partner of Amy
Amy and Kim were compensated by Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. to share their stories
TD is a distinct condition and different than other movement disorders
Understand the cause of your uncontrollable movements and learn about treatment

Amy’s search for answers
Amy didn’t know what her uncontrollable movements were. She only learned about TD when she saw the INGREZZA TV commercial and asked her psychiatrist about TD. Then, Amy was referred to a neurologist who diagnosed her TD.
Amy was compensated by Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. to share her story
Diagnosing tardive dyskinesia
A healthcare provider will ask you about the meds you have taken and will have you perform a variety of movements or actions to determine if you have TD.
Find a TD specialistPreparING for your next appointment
It can be helpful to take note of your uncontrollable movements, including how they are impacting you physically, socially, and emotionally.
Complete the Discussion Guide

Kim (right), care partner of Amy, and Amy (left), real patient with TD
“We were watching TV, and this commercial came on and this person’s talking about ‘I have these movements.’
It was ‘the Aha! moment’ because that finally put a name onto what was going on. Up to that point, we had no clue. That gave us the information to go back to the doctor and say, ‘Hey, I need help.’ The more information you have, the better off you’re going to be.” — Kim, care partner of Amy
Amy and Kim were compensated by Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. to share their stories
TD is unlikely to get better on its own, but there is treatment
TD is unlikely to get better on its own, but there is treatment

Amy discovers a TD treatment
Amy’s neurologist diagnosed her TD and prescribed INGREZZA. Amy was nervous at first to take a new medicine, because TD was caused by medicine. But after discussing INGREZZA with her neurologist, she was ready to take on her TD.
Amy was compensated by Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. to share her story
INGREZZA is a treatment proven to reduce TD that's always one capsule, once daily, and #1 prescribed.
See how INGREZZA can helpExplore simple dosING
INGREZZA makes dosing simple from the start. No complex dose adjustments are required to get to an effective dose. And with INGREZZA, you can keep taking most mental health meds.
Learn about taking INGREZZAStart takING control
You can use our Doctor Discussion Guide to have a more productive conversation with your healthcare provider about your TD and ask if INGREZZA may be right for you.
Complete the Discussion Guide

Kim (right), care partner of Amy, and Amy (left), real patient with TD
“Once we got more information on TD, we knew that if we were persistent, we could get to this place where she could get treated.
When the uncontrollable movements were diagnosed as TD, we didn’t realize TD may not go away, even if you stop taking the medication that caused it. So it’s very important that you talk to your doctor and get help with this, because it doesn’t go away.” — Kim, care partner of Amy
Amy and Kim were compensated by Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. to share their stories
INGREZZA is a treatment proven to reduce TD that's always one capsule, once daily, and #1 prescribed.
Experience the INGREZZA difference throughout your treatment journey

How INGREZZA improved Amy’s TD
After taking INGREZZA, Amy noticed her uncontrolled movements were reduced. With fewer movements, Amy felt less self-conscious. Now, she and Kim are back on the right road—being social again and traveling.
Individual results may vary
Amy was compensated by Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. to share her story
SupportING you on your journey
There are a variety of financial assistance programs that may be available to help you fill your prescription. Most patients pay less than $10 out-of-pocket cost for INGREZZA.
Discover the INBRACE® Support ProgramContinuING your progress
Use the INGREZZA Treatment Guide to learn how to start and stay on track with treatment, and what to expect on your treatment journey.
Get resources for your journey

Kim (right), care partner of Amy, and Amy (left), real patient with TD
“Since taking INGREZZA, Amy’s movements have reduced. For a long time Amy didn’t want to go out because her mouth was moving a lot.
But with more control over her TD, life seems to be going back to normal. That probably sounds blasé, but normal is good. With fewer movements, she is less self-conscious. It’s like we’re getting back to our old selves as far as being involved in things and doing our everyday life.” — Kim, care partner of Amy
Amy and Kim were compensated by Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. to share their stories
INGREZZA is clinically proven for reducING TD in adults at 6 weeks.* Most people saw results in just 2 weeks.†
*INGREZZA was studied in a 6-week clinical trial. A total of 234 people participated in the study. Results were based on 79 people taking the recommended dose of 80 mg.
†In a 6-week clinical study. Post-clinical study evaluation of 149 patients who took 40 mg and/or 80 mg during the first 2 weeks; 64% had at least a 1‑point reduction on an uncontrollable movement severity scale.

Long-lastING satisfaction
in people taking INGREZZA for ~2 years.‡
‡55 of 56 patients in a rollover study of patients taking INGREZZA for 48 weeks after completing long-term KINECT 3 & KINECT 4 studies. Based on Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire given to patients at beginning and end of treatment.